"Little Children, let us Love one another."
This is the quote of the Apostle John at the end of every service he attended.
Love is a word that has been distorted by today's standard. But I want to take a moment and delve into what the word truly means according to what the author of LOVE intended it to mean.
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is for very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that adore you can...
These are the words of Nat King Cole
But what do these letters mean to God?
L is for the Lord who died for me (John 3:16)
O is for the Overwhelming peace He brings (Psalm 85:10)
V is the Vindication of the sins I committed (Psalm 37:5-6)
E if for the Eternity He wants to spend with me (Psalm 136)
God's love for mankind is this, then what does this mean for us?
We are to reflect this in our own lives, are we not?
Therefore, we will do a little word shuffle to make this applicable to our own lives:
Yeah, sorry...
I WILL die for the church
I WILL bring peace to the church
I WILL forgive my brother's sins
I WILL spend eternity with the church.
It is not enough to simply say that you desire to die for the church, as a daughter of God, it is your duty to die to yourself and your sinful ways every day for the sake of Christ and also as a living testimony to the world.
It is not enough to say you want peace. When there is conflict in the church, do NOT turn a blind eye:
It is not enough to SAY you forgave your brothers and sisters in Christ. You MUST, did I say that with enough emphasis? You MUST forgive them with all your heart! We are fallen creatures and as such we make mistakes. Sometimes we make HUGE mistakes. But that never stopped God from forgiving us. He VINDICATED us. He wiped the slate clean. How can we do anything less.
It is not enough to go to church on Sunday and then live a different life Monday through Saturday. you know what that is called? Hypocrisy. We are to live our lives with our church family at all times. Keep them in the loop, support them in their times of trouble.
If their favorite character dies...
It's Huggie time...
And when everything is pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows:
Because, let's face it...
We need more love in this world.
As a woman of marrying age, I will not deny that it is my desire to find a husband. I am looking for a man who will love me. Why can't these principles apply to myself as I look to be a good wife someday?
Let's try it.
I WILL die for him
I WILL bring peace to him
I WILL forgive his sins
I WILL spend eternity with him.
I will die to myself and my fleshly desires for him. I will bring him peace when he is uneasy. I will forgive his past and stand by his side no matter what. I will be equally yolked with him and look forward to eternity with him.
Should not these principles apply to him in regards to his love for YOU as well?
Never sell yourself short, my friends.
He will die for you
He will bring you peace
He will forgive your sins
He will spend eternity with you.
This is where I leave you. But I will not leave you without some Scripture.
Romans 8:38-39
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